Monthly Archives: November 2010

Kathleen Kent: Promoting the Book

A few authors I’ve talked to dread this part.  “Writers write, speakers speak and never the twain should meet” seems to be the sentiment of some of the more reticent souls who make their living putting words into print. The first few book talks were pretty unnerving.  I didn’t have a lot of experience speaking […]

Kathleen Kent: On Being Copyedited

For some writers the copyediting process may be tedious and emotionally draining.  A manuscript that has been researched, worked and reworked for years is something that is filled with emotional connections. For me, the copyediting process has been a reassuring one.  I’ve had the good fortune to work with the same copy editor twice, and […]

Bragging Time!

Has everyone seen the latest reasons for us to do a little embarrassing dance around the office? Did you know that Tina Fey was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for Humor last night? Well, she was! We cannot wait to publish her first book, Bossypants, in April, 2011. If the bordering-on-absurd number of excited emails […]

Kathleen Kent: The Importance of Deadlines

My first novel, The Heretic’s Daughter, took about five years to research and write.  I had no pressing time constraints or deadlines to complete the work as I didn’t have an agent, a publisher, or even the prospects of one.   I had no one telling me I had to finish the book by such and […]

Kathleen Kent: The Research Process, aka Building a Giant

Most of the research for The Wolves of Andover was done the old fashioned way; with conventional explorations of historical source material of the colonies and Restoration England found in libraries or bookstores.  There is a wealth of information that gives the Who, What, When and Where of that period of time, and I spent […]

The Writer at Work: Kathleen Kent

Kathleen Kent’s The Wolves of Andover publishes this week; it’s the follow-up to her bestselling debut, The Heretic’s Daughter.  For the next five days Kathleen will be blogging about the process of researching and writing a novel that is based on her family history, and set in revolutionary America. For many people the discovery of […]

Green Room

As part of my ongoing campaign to convince the world that a book publicity job is fabulous all the time and never ever about spitting out half-masticated food so that you can answer the phone before it goes to voicemail—let’s talk about green rooms. Oh, how I love a green room! Never is food more […]